Looking for partners to help you with your repgrid® analysis?

We at RoTec work with a network of certified partners to ensure that you receive the best possible support for your projects. Our network includes consultants, coaches, agencies and other experts, all of whom have extensive experience in using repgrid®. This way you get the best possible support and advice when running repgrid®.

Rosenberger Management and Strategy Consulting

RoTec's in-house consulting team has 20 years of expertise in repgrid® and has completed hundreds of projects for companies such as Fiat, Microsoft and Ipsos. Rosenberger Management and Strategy Consulting is available to support our customers in repgrid® projects, including planning, execution, analysis and interpretation of results.

Certified repgrid® partners

Stephan Heiler (CEO)
Aline Allmendinger (Assistant)

Heiko Brix (CEO)

Dr. Helen Turnbull (Founder)

Robert Kay (CEO)
Robert Cooper (Co-Founder)

Jürgen Ress

Simon Betsch (CEO)

FH Münster
Institut für Technische Betriebswirtschaft (ITB)

Münster Centrum für Interdisziplinarität (MCI)

Prof. Susanne Maaß-Sagolla

Dr. Ahmed Agiel (Assistant Professor)

Markus Pralle (CEO)

Dr. Simon Ruegg (Senior Research Assistant)

Dino G. Cardiano (Owner)

Become a repgrid® partner now!